Monday, January 3, 2011


Almost a year ago I was seeking out organizations to do a medical missions trip with when Tom Keppeler (missions pastor at Elmbrook Church), recommended Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA). Many of you recieved a letter from me talking a bit about EHA, but for those of you who don't know, EHA is a non-profit, faith-based organization that seeks to provide care regardless of race, caste, creed or religion, focusing primarily on the poor. Their website is: I'll be working at Herbpertpur Christian Hospital, a 100-bed hospital serving the hill-tribe people of Doon Valley. Herbertpur is located in the north (province called Uttarakhand) in the foothills of the Himalayas. For reference- I'll be fairly close to the border of Nepal.

Now, with less than 3 weeks until I leave (I leave on January 22nd), I'm experiencing a mix of excitement and a little trepidation! What will the weather be like? What will the culture be like? Will I get sick while I'm there? I know there will be many unknowns and unexpected turns, but I'm in the Lord's hands! I've heard so many wonderful things about the culture and people of India, and I'm really looking forward to working with the physicians and staff at Herbertpur Hospital.

I've been doing a little preparation for my trip and I thought I would share with you a few things that I've learned about India:
- Population is 1,181,412,000 people! (By comparison, the US population is 311,666,000)
- Hinduism is the primary religion (80.5%), which brings a large cultural caste system that divides people into "priestly" castes, lower castes, and even people who are below the caste system, called "untouchables".
- In rural areas, infant mortality is 75 deaths per 1000 live births. There is a large disparity between rural and urban populations, as the infant mortality rate in urban areas is much less at 27 deaths per 1000 births. (By comparison, the US infant mortality rate is 8 deaths per 1000).
- Literacy rate is 61% in India, but significantly different between men (73.4%) and women (47.8%).
- India is one of the world's largest economies, and has one of the fastest growing economies, but also harbors a very large group of poor people.
- HIV prevalence is only 0.3% of the population, but the actual number of people infected is 2.4 million, making India #4 in the world in the number of people infected.

For those of you who have said you would like to support me in prayer - thank you! At the end of each of my blogs, I will provide specific prayer requests and praises. I know that this experience is going to be a challenge emotionally, physically, and spiritually, but I am so excited to see what God is doing in India through EHA and what He has in store to teach me.

Prayer Requests:
- Safe travels to Delhi and on to Herbertpur
- Health
- Weather! Some of you know that I am a wimp with cold weather! =) I've been told that it will be very cold where I'm going (with no central heating system). Honestly, this is my biggest fear right now! So please pray that this will not distract me from my mission there.
- Please also pray that I would be able to find friendship and support while at Herbertpur. I'm sure I will see and experience things that will be really difficult and it would be great to have someone to share them with there.
- Pray for the staff at EHA and the patients there; for perseverance, health, healing, and faith. I know this is general, but I will be able to provide more specific requests once I get there!

- I'm so excited for this opportunity, the time I can take to do it during my 4th year of medical school, and that logistics have worked out so far!
- For all my support from faithful family and friends!

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