Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Day in the Life...

Dr. Daniel, the medical director of this hospital, is a general surgeon but by default he is also an internist, a family doctor, an obstetrician, an ultrasound technician, and not to mention- a husband and a father. I'm constantly struck by the required knowledge of the physicians here, and without easy computer reference like we have back in the States! For example, on Monday alone we treated heart failure, acute MI, snakebite, COPD exacerbation, entamoeba histolytica, suicide attempt by aluminum phosphate poisoning, hemorrhagic stroke, infective endocarditis, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, and more! I went from observing septic emoboli and petechiae on a young woman, to palpating the worst hepatosplenomegaly I've ever felt, to doing chest compressions on an 89 y/o woman (she regained her pulse but remained unresponsive with non-reactive pupils). Sorry to all the non-medical people reading this blog!!

But in the midst of it all, I love that before every surgery the surgical teams prays for the patient on the table and the surgery about to be undertaken, every morning the hospital compound meets for morning devotions, and before rounds every day we meet as a team of doctors and pray. I will admit that I usually don't know what is being said since the prayers are in Hindi...but I have been impressed by this all the same. I'm realizing how often I undertake situations without the guidance of the Lord. How many times to I eat my meal and forget to thank God for providing it for me?

Although I'm still missing some comforts from home, I'm starting to feel more settled here. The noises are becoming more routine, the faces more friendly, and the surroundings more familiar. Thanks for your continued prayer and support, and to all of you who have written me emails! I love reading them =)

In Him,

PS- I hear there is a crazy blizzard back home! I hope you all stay safe and bundled warmly inside. Take pictures for me so I can see it when I get home. =)

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